Jerry Reed one of the great country guitarists/clowns in Nashville history brought this little phrase to our attention in the 1970's. Our politicians surely do know when to strike when the fire is at it's hottest. Unfortunately though particularly at the State level, these same politicos also famously overplay that hand. It has not been so evident as it has been in this year of reversal of fortunes.
I already documented that it appeared to even some of his more staunch proponents that perhaps BHO was reeling. Nothing was going right and in 2010 he lost the house, he lost about 30 states, he was losing the birther argument. OMG, IS BHO a Kenyan? Did we tie our line to the rowboat as opposed to the ski boat? After all I can't water ski unless you can row like the little kid in the Incredibles.
So do the GOP governors understand that their day in the sun is in reality setting? NO! Walker in Wisconsin believes in that mandate he is after a Koch sucker. Snyder places EFM's (or as Colbert calls them eff 'ems for short) in the Detroit Public Schools and in Benton Harbor, Michigan. Kasich runs rough shod over Ohio, Christie epitomizes the 'let them eat cake' morality of the reich wing.
Then April 20th on has occurred. I have to believe there is visible sweating out of GOP camp. In the televised debate on Nazi Propaganda network...sorry Fox, the only name republican to show up is Ron Paul. Now folks Paul talks a great talk, (as i roll my eyes now must wash myself for saying anything positive about that jerkwad) but when push comes to shove, a "libertarian" is essentially a person that is ashamed to admit they voted twice for George Bush in today's vernacular. When they trot out Cain, Pawlenty, and can't even get their big hitters in Romney, Hucksterabee, Jindal, (though I question now how big he is) Palin or even Gingrich, this tells you that they know that they can't win.
When you're hot, you're hot Mr. President, and we need that strength to aid YOU and us in 2012. PUSH for the supermajority. Let the people know that the GOP is not having their better interests at heart. I know you have a plan to get us out of the Middle East get that implemented. and keep pushing forward with your goals to get us out of the ditch that Cheney, Bush and their cronies drove us into. You are riding 60% popularity and have done a masterful job under one of the worst economic times in most of our lifetimes. I know that I will be called fan boy, Don't care. I am fully in Barack Obama's corner and whatever this means come 2012, A blues clue supports the re-election of President Barack Obama THANK YOU...(and like a 'pimp' I did drop the mike!)
A few on the chin you got there Blue, connected and made it count! From this page to Obama's ears!