Wednesday, May 18, 2011

...and with Newt B. Gingrich as Alice...

An homage (which is French for stealing) to the Brady Bunch intro as I saw on one of the Facebook pages I follow showed all of the potential GOP candidates running for president but the middle was empty (much like these suits the GOP is parading but I digress) and the first thing that popped in Ole Blue's mind was the title of this piece. So shall we study Newt Gingrich and see what new and exciting things he has to offer The US of A if most of our brethren swallows amnesia pills and votes for this troll?

(you can imagine the 'Jeopardy' theme playing if you desire. Art Fleming OR Alex Trebek. Pays me no never mind)

Yeah, I got the same thing too fellow libbies. NOTHING! The Newtered one offers nothing new to political understanding, discourse or even tactics. I understand his fervent is to draw Rove off his ass or plunder the grave of Lee Atwater to burnish his out of control campaign. He tried the Catholic route and frankly that only worked for JFK and to paraphrase the late Lloyd Bentsen, "I read about Jack Kennedy, My parents voted for Jack Kennedy, you, Sir, are no Jack Kennedy". He tries to draw on his experience as Speaker of the House and that was a stepping stone to the White House for....James Knox Polk in 1845. His legacy is one of getting Bill Clinton impeached over an affair with an intern, whilst he was carrying on with another person to get rid of his wife who contracted MS. Then telling people that he was so patriotic he just HAD to cheat on his wife. Maybe Bill Clinton isn't as intelligent as we thought, I mean couldn't he have said that and clearly the republicans would have given him a free pass.

Two divorces from ill wives, impeaching a president for the same sex issue that he, in essence, was having. the fact his name is "Newt" like a wanna be salamander, the attempt to shut down the did that work bud? I give you merely some of the legitimate (and face it one totally superficial) reasons to dismiss Newt Gingrich like that bad boy in elementary school. See dismissing Gingrich isn't to difficult in my book. The 'newt' is superficial, pandering, divisive and of course the worst choice our country could make after the disaster that was Bush and the hope that is PBHO. But as always Blue leaves you to your conscience and thought patterns. Have a wonderful day and see you again

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