I go to a community college. I am aware that my blog is laden with ad hominems and the occasional straw man. However, growing up with the legend of Edward R. Murrow, and Walter Cronkite, I still hold news and journalism to a standard that requires a little research and a lot of middle of the road assessment. Since 1980 I have been sorely disappointed. Since 2008, I have been holding a wake for journalism. Yes journalism is dead. My blog is not journalism it is rather a journal so I can have my views and thank you if you like it, screw you if you don't.
It appears that all the issues this country has had since 1950 are all stemming from actors named Fonda. Henry was gray listed by his involvement in his dissent of the House Unamerican Activities Committee. He battled known Hollywood conservatives like Ward Bond, Jimmy Stewart and stood for what he believed and lost some income for his beliefs. We all know about his daughter Jane. Sitting on the anti aircraft missile launcher in Vietnam. She was called a traitor and for us on the left to deny that there is a real concern among our Vietnam vets with her is whistling past the graveyard. She was wrong. I would rather believe that she was a spoiled woman of privilege who tried to exercise her first amendment rights and failed miserably. Now Peter the least talented of the three needs attention (being the spoiled old man of privilege) and says he is training his grandchildren to use a gun against the president.
Though admirable (Henry), deplorable(Peter) or somewhere in between (Jane) these are all red herrings. To me the worst argument to make. Throw something out there and fight over that while the real sinister shit is happening over "here". Are the Fonda's really helping national discourse? No. Hank's been dead almost 30 years, Jane hasn't done anti war statements in 40 years, and Pete...poor Pete is only in the news because he is having a temper tantrum.
Let's focus on this instead; War in Afghanistan, drawdown but still a war in Iraq, piss poor regulations on business but massive regulations on our citizenry. How about telling the inspiring story of Kathy Hochul. ran as a liberal democrat in massively conservative district 26 in New York and winning. How about Snyder, Walker and the Koch suckers running roughshod over the Constitution. The economy is still in the crapper though getting better. These are far more in our interest than: Casey Anthony, Lindsay Lohan, Charlie Sheen, Dancing with the Stars, the newest American Idol and yes even Peter or any other Fonda. The cult of personality is becoming more important to our daily lives and it only shows our frivolity about life and our country. If we continue down this path, welcome to third world status.
I completely agree, Blue! Typical--the continual struggle between what is stupid, distracting, and inane, so the guys holding the reins can use our self-embraced myopathy to empty our pockets. Simultaneously, we advocate laws, leaders, and dogmas that sustain our pride in our idols of ignorance! Quite a degenerative, self-sustaining cycle, don't you think? Well, I know you do. But the question seems to be, "How many others are bothering to?"