Saturday, May 14, 2011

glossary of terms

Now Ole Blue did this once before but there was no notice and since things got a little haywire here on blogger I am deciding to make my glossary of terms I use in here so there is no confusion as to what I am saying.

Blue- or Ole Blue that's me I am a democrat in a blue state with blue tendencies and i have NO shame in that

Red- That is either a friend or relative who like Blue has the same feelings but sees things as clear as I do from the republican side.

Purple- The hardest to tell one that has red tendencies but Surprises me with a leaning toward Obama

Bat Boy's Spawn- Michelle Bachman

The Reich Wing- "Christian" republicans or diehard anti Obama right wingers

Koch suckers- Politicians and apologists for the Koch Brothers

St. Ronnie of Eureka- Ronald Reagen and compared to what the right has said about Clinton and Obama, It's almost quaintly nice

Poppy Bush- Obvious

Shrub- George W. Bush

BHO- Barack Hussein Obama- stated with the same reverence as FDR or JFK....if particularly overjoyed with him I call him PBHO

weeper of the house- We ALL know who that is, John Boehner

if there are more, I will be more than happy to clarify these thank you for continuing support of my little ego trip

love, Blue

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