Wednesday, May 4, 2011

BOOMER goes the dynamite

Ole Blue has been torn about this blog. He is aware that some people he doesn't mean to offend will be offended and off the bat it is hoped the apology will be accepted. That being said I am one of the people that buy into the greatest generation. Though Tracy Letts a playwright I respect wrote "why are they the greatest generation because they were poor and hated Nazis? Who doesn't hate Nazis?" This generation that was lauded also dealt with a hellish depression, created the middle class and yes...hated Nazis. Sadly for all the good this generation did they also unleashed the most entitled group of hypocrites this country has seen and that's the Baby Boomers.

You boomers who have held on to your values or changed as humans do with time, I am not talking about you. Many boomers still protest, some hold the values of peace, some still believe in the power of the vote and the hope that one person that can make a difference. They got to see Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Eugene McCarthy, Gloria Steinem and held to the precepts that drove these people. You boomers that have that idealism and belief we CAN make a difference, you inspire me. You are the ones that this blog is the logical extension of. You gave me the opportunity to follow the money and look beyond the self and look to the all. Those of you that have changed as humans do but see why you protested, went to Woodstock, but grew up and did other things in your life but still remember you were a firebrand again I understand you. Protesting and being a firebrand takes a lot of you and if you had kids, or a career, or other obligations that life throws at us, no one can keep up the pace that you kept up for years over a lifetime. I thank you all for being the inspiration for a young tail end boomer or perhaps first year Gen Xer.

Now the boomers that I despise...Ted Nugent. You crapped and pissed yourself to get out of Vietnam...then grew up to laud the use of guns? You crap on the left for not being strong on defense? You and your chicken hawk ilk that embrace that belief well where were you on national defense? This 'chicken shit' liberal did time in the US Navy BM3 Blue I served in Desert Storm, I put together weapons, I did my west pac and still held my liberal beliefs. I was in a place so red I couldn't tell if i cut myself shaving and still did my time and received my DD-214 under honorable status. Dick Cheney, you got deferment after deferment and stated that you had more important things than deal with Vietnam! That did not stop you and your kind from bombing people from your safe perch in Washington D.C. Lee Greenwood "you'd defend her to today"? Yet when given the opportunity to defend her to sorry got better things to do. In the 60's you protested because you were to damned 'important'. In the 70's you got wrapped up in ME ME ME in the 80's you found "religion" and "Reagan" and chased the money. In the 90's you wrapped yourself in the rhetoric of Limbaugh and Gingrich, in the 00's you told us if we didn't believe in Bush we weren't Americans and in the teens, you have the nerve to tell the president of the US to "show us your papers". How about you asses look beyond yourselves for once in your spoiled lives and look at the country? I know you selfish fools will never do that because it takes something that you spoiled brats have never had to think about, character. So you did  your thing. Free Love, Freedom, Peace...were just buzz words for you folks to use as a joke. Now of course as you age and die off, you will plunder anything you can get your damned greedy hands on. Well Bravo, I hope you enjoy the spoils that you bitch about others receiving and I hope you can spend all the money you can take to hell with you


  1. Whoa, BluesCue did you ever 'Nail" this one. Wish I had your courage to speak out with such honesty. All you have stated is absolutely a TRUISM and I will add BRAVO, my dear friend.

    Plan to copy/paste this and will automatically use as a standard comment to those on the right ... adding, of course, I agree with Bluescus on this issue. Thanks agin for this great and honest blog. Blessings my friend on your continued writing:):):)

  2. There is NOTHING to buy in HELL, so forget about taking your money with you, you will be leaving it for whomever is under you to spend on their whims...I do hope they came up with more sense than you had Mr. Cheney, Mr. Greenwood and the like.
    The righteous in Heaven won't have you no matter how many times you repent. GOD KNOWS!

  3. I think the people you're talking about never did buy into the idealism of the 60s. I was there and we weren't All sweethearts!

  4. As a boomer, I agree. To this day, many of the divisions within our society have been stoked by the greedy, hypocritical, entitled, spoiled boomers that you describe. Pathetic.
