Friday, May 13, 2011

Rock a bye yadayadayada

So I thought that after April 24th the bullshit would cease. Curse ole Blue for being optimistic. I thought that when BHO went to shut up the 3 years of lies (started by his current sec'y of state) and finally show the good ole boys his birth certificate, people would shut the hell up and focus on the big picture and not just pay no attention to the man behind the curtain but completely tell him STFU. Perhaps putting the combover in his place and telling Bat Boy's Spawn how easy it is to perpetuate a lie maybe some of our more lucid republicans (i know, an oxymoron but do bare with me) would do what their elected to do and that's govern. Not be seditious turds. Not to keep stirring shit that has long turned white.

So of course, I read the news in papers and on the net and in school and at work. So imagine when I think that things are going okay (still not great but to hell with it I accept some things) and I read this;

it states how BHO could have stopped the birthers LOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago if he merely gave into the reich wingers and "just showed us the papers, boy". Why? I have stated over and over I am merely a short order cook, at a name restaurant and I am only the leader of the burger grill. I still needed a drivers license and a social security card and whatever things that the managers do to verify I surely am who I claim I am and I have every right to work in the United States of America. IF you still vaguely rampant birthers have any sense wouldn't you think the president of these same United States still has these responsibilities added with the more stringent Constitutional rules? I forget, when the Koch Suckers say jump, you don't question that, most of you morans just ask how high. So Mr. Gunn,  I spread a salacious lie about you. I know it to be false. When does it become your responsibility to alleviate me of the lie? Frankly, it appears in your blind hatred of anything BHO, you, like other Reich wingers, wish to fall into the 'Blame Obama' camp. Journalism is supposed to be fair and balanced sir. I am no journalist, I can be biased; I write a left wing blog. You are supposed to report facts. This fact is that the wingnuts went crazy with a lie and you are choosing to feed into that. If our duly elected president decides to let the others sway in the wind and show these idiots "his papers" at his own time, though I disagreed, he did it to make the Reich wing look like the seditious fools they have been the last 30 years. GOOD FOR HIM! Where is the apologies from the Reich wing for spreading the lie? Make no mistake Mr. Gunn and other Reich wingers, you make no demands of the POTUS. This one is a man far smarter than you or I and he did what he did for his reasons. Keep being desperate. As the Reich continues to overreach, they weaken their policies and beliefs and this lefty will continue to smile as your own marches you, like Sherman, to the sea.

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