Friday, June 17, 2011

through our sorrow, all through our splendour, don't take offence at my innuendo

another thing baffles Ole Blue, it's about our nations way of cleaning up presidents or famous figures that foul up or worse yet do nothing and making them into "honored" statesmen. It never fails to amaze me that under his watch, Eisenhower allowed the mad man named Joe McCarthy drunkenly ramble on about all the "commanists" in Washington, D.C. Then Ike went and played golf, like Dick Cheney went and had a heart attack or ten, like Wilson, had a stroke in office (not nearly as severe) and because three days before his term ended tells us about the vast "military industrial complex" and all of us Blue, Red and Purple wet themselves like he was a prophet warning us that it would take over and giving us this grand warning. To me especially looking back it was more like "I got mine and I'm screwing y'all over but thanks for blaming the Catholic" Yet when I see polls looking back at the Eisenhower presidency I see many that have him considered a top ten president? QUICK name one accomplishment?...okay take your time and name one accomplishment...yeah that's what I thought. Civil rights were being fought for in SPITE of Ike. He did the one good thing in his term of naming Warren his chief justice of the Supreme Court but unlike the Shrub, Ike felt that Warren was the worst thing that happened to the country...there's our war hero for us. Disappointed that his nominee was surpassed only by John Marshall bravo Ike!

And then there's St Ronnie of Eureka. the ole Gipper, Dutch who would smile as he twisted the knife in your middle classed back. The former union leader who decimated air travel, the man who embraced the trickle down theory of economics that in essence tries to build a country from the top down. I am no carpenter but I know that if i build my entertainment unit from the top down, well I will be working on that sucker until I have no idea what to use it for. The man who when elected set civil rights back thirty years and then like American sheeple that we are, RE-ELECT a man riddled with Alzeimers disease when he's 45 feet from the button. I must stand and applaud my fellow americans. some of them not a brain in their head!

Yet with Reagan some worship at the altar of Ronnie and claim great miracles of healing and wait for Benny the Nazi to beatify him. I think some red stater found an image of Ronnie burnt into toast. After all he IS the model for republican Jesus...what bugs me is some lefties eat that image up too. We don't need to vilify these guys anymore because their dead which means in the same measure we sure as hell don't have to burnish their legacy. Their dead, they luckily didn't kill the country with their mismanagement but they surely left a bad dent in it. Once we understand the true damage these two "patriots" did there will be no parade just a simultaneous head slap of about 60 million strong saying "what WAS in that kool-aid?"


  1. I can answer your question, Blue--Lots of Artificial Sweetner and Arsenic!
    Fab Observations, Thanks!!
