In the book I have been planning for about two years I have this opening line "I don't claim to know the truth; but I know MY truth." I don't claim to have any inside knowledge of Washington D.C. nor it's inner mechinations. However, I do know that things appear right or wrong. It appears that a lot of my fellow citizens are so blinded by a myriad of things in regards to Barack Obama that they would just as soon have things the 'way they are' as opposed to what the will of 60,000,000 Americans did say in that we want change. What are these things? Well the name scares some. I mean we had a 15 year war with Osama bin Laden...and the majority of us in these United States (a name become more ironic than factual) elected a man named Barack Hussein Obama. Grow up folks this is almost as bad is giggling over the movie title "Mr. Woodcock".
Now, if I was simple minded or if I were a reich winger but again I repeat myself (thanks Mark Twain) I wouldn't know what BHO was. Is he a Kenyan? Is he a Socialist? Is he a Fascist? Is he playing Heath Ledger as the Joker on weekends? OR, is he the right man for the right time? Some on the left have argued against our own president. Have they been willfully ignorant of the uphill battle our president has faced? I mean he has stared down reich wingers, holy rollers, teabaggers, progbaggers, and we have heard he's soft on terror, we have been told he's going to send this country to third world status, he has been a puppet of big business...DAMN this must BE the most dangerous man in America; or even worse, the most ineffectual president we have ever had. I know if we go into the ancient history of 2008 we see what true ineffectuality is, but that is forgotten in light of the fact this man DID get health care passed (with NO help from the reich wing and precious little from blue dogs) he did take out OBL, he did get money for the infrastructure and has created more jobs in two and a half years than the shrub did in 8, but reich wingers and both baggers don't want to hear this. The teabaggers love them some irritable Paul system, the progbaggers love the little elf that couldn't handle a city (cleveland) but want HIM to run the country....and the reich wingers want the pizza man to run the country...amazing.
Well sadly for some of you folks it appears BHO will get re-election because I and other lefties are seeing that we are appreciating the drubbing we took in November. On a promise of jobs, jobs, jobs and smaller government, the GOP has attacked women, the poor, medicare, social security and of course worked on EXPANDING the government...keep marching GOP. Your Faustian bargain you have made with the tea party will hasten your demise, and I will stand by as you continue your self, blue
Well, Blue. Whether or not I can suppress a snicker, as we watch the inevitable, I will be standing with you in solidarity--shoulder to shoulder; mind to mind! Great Post!
ReplyDeleteAs Always, Glad and Privileged, Jasmine
again correction, Heath Ledger is an actor who left us too soon, Heath SHULER, is a blue dog who was never with us