Monday, June 27, 2011

they subjugate the meek, but it's the rhetoric of failure

Okay, let me tell ya what I envision the press is. They get the information, they research the information, they write out the information and we disseminate said information. I am old enough to remember Cronkite, Reynolds, Huntley/Brinkley. They had the idea down. Joe Wershba who recently passed took on the McCarthy machine knowing Friendly and Murrow had his back. Even back then Paley believed in a well informed populace and backed Murrow. We have no one standing up like that now. Maybe its the proliferation of news and our desire to hear our view parroted that prevents us from getting news, perhaps it's all we can do to stomach our news in little bite sized morsels for our feeble brains to process...perhaps we're to lazy with all of the information out there at our own hands to dig and look and see what IS going on. I know our parents and grandparents had to have their news handed out by reputable newsfolks. Now, we look to the celebrity to spoon feed our news to us.

The blame for the growth of O'Reilly, Hannity, even Olbermann  and O'Donnell lies not with them they merely are conduits. No it's OUR fault. We have allowed them to form all of our views and repeat the things we want to hear. Well folks all of us Blues, Purples and Reds have to stand up and demand real news and real context given to us. A week after his monumental fail with Jon Stewart, Chris Wallace actually stood up and asked Bat Boy's Spawn if she was a "Flake". He has since been "asked" to apologize to the flavor of the month and even though we know she's bat guano insane if Fox tells it's sheeple to capitulate to the Government whore that she is, they do...that's not journalism folks, this is glorified cheerleading. we're as guilty on the left, waiting with bated breath the return of Olbermann, we cried over the suspension of Schultz, and we wait for Rachel's reaction to find out if we should be mortified...We have the ability to know what's up. We have the net, we have the brain power, we have great capabilities than our is now up to us to really do the hard work and dig and truly form OUR opinions.

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