Politics is funny. Lets all concede right now that "Weinergate" is all about Breitbart being so scared of Anthony Weiner that he's pissing himself (a little pun intended). No I am going to another show that the Reich wing is performing. In as she's one of my favorite targets, lets delve into the psyche of Bat Boy's Spawn shall we?
Bat Boy's Spawn, known to most people as Representative Michelle Bachmann has been a near daily topic for me to talk about because as we know when one applies the bat guano, insanity is an unfortunate side effect. I won't assume she's dumb, much as the concept that "Barney Greenwald" said to "Captain Queeg" in the Caine Mutiny; "it is assumed that there is no possible way Captain Queeg is a coward. One does not raise to the level of Captain in the Navy if he is a coward. So the questionable actions he displayed must lie elsewhere" (pp) Well as my own "Barney Greenwald" I give the representative the same back handed compliment. She is not stupid. She couldn't possibly fool so many people over and over in the great state of Minnesota and be stupid. So the questionable actions she displays must lie elsewhere.
Is it in "religion?" Well I know that if ole blue runs down the street saying "God told me to do it!" No one is assuming I am running for president. Oh, no, officers of the law are looking for bodies or some other remnant of my insanity. Is it level headed thinking? Well, I know that she was challenged by a 16 year old to a debate. Now instead of doing one of the two things most would do; write a letter (even a damned form letter Madame Representative) or acknowledge that due to time constraints it isn't feasible, or something that shows the elevator DOES go to the top floor...you allow your lackeys to threaten the poor child. THEN less than a month later you say "you would love to debate Barack Obama." Madame, though I do not question your intelligence (though I may start to) you from Minnesota via Iowa, can not begin to grasp what this President who is a Harvard law professor, internationally traveled, Nobel Prize winning, knows. It would be like ole blue going up with my community college learnings and challenging the University of Michigan's valedictorian on a debate in his or her strength. Unless it's US history, i don't stand a snowballs chance...and even with US history the deck is stacked against me for I too am intelligent but like most I realize my limits.
So no Madame Representative, I don't believe you're stupid, you're smart enough to pander to your base. I look forward to the day most of the Reich wing and my fellow blues see you for the empty suit you truly are. then you will join her who shall remain nameless in my no longer mentioned list in my blog. Take care Bat Boy's Spawn...your day is setting on your day in the sun :-)
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