So I spent most of the past week decrying how wrong Breitbart was in hacking Anthony Weiner's twitter account and I got into a lather because Rep Weiner is doing great things on the left side of the ledger. In fact he has been the bulldog that our side has needed to show we're not all about being soft. Sometimes we bark and sometimes we bite.
Well, roll me in powdered sugar and call me a doughnut. Weiner's weiner wasn't a hack, it wasn't a bad fifth grade joke, he really did twitter the pic. Now Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation, the party that brought us David Vitter, Larry Craig and Newt Gingrich demand for his resignation.
I come not to praise OR bury him. I think he's an effective voice. I think we on the left need him. The fact that we are so disappointed shows why we are doing the right things. He's effective. If he were Bart Stupak or Heath Ledger or another DINO or another typical republican (Craigs list anyone?) that run on what we know is their false "Family Values" pretense, then we figure "yup knew it!" Anthony Weiner made no family value claim. He made no pretenses about being a good Christian (yes I know he's Jewish) he never pretended to be anything other than what he is. A good but flawed man who fights the good fight for good, but flawed people in his district. His issue with cybering legal aged younger ladies is not for us right or left to judge. There are only two factions this issue truly has to matter to. His wife, and his constituents.
So I apologize to my readers for drinking the Weiner kool aid. I saw a potential president and given our sound bite society he still may be one but he has to be forthcoming if he wants the trust of the American People at least on our side. See, Mr. Weiner, we get it, you're human and you have fought the good fight and like all of us you're flawed. Just be accountable for what happened and most of us are still cool.
Well, Blue--The pressure cooker seems to have exploded since your post and, unbelievable, but true, things have gotten even worse by this evening than they were when you posted this assessment--which, at the time it was posted, I would have thoroughly agreed with!
ReplyDeleteNow perhaps The Brightest, in-the-socio-political-know woman I know has rung the death knell!
I find it repeatedly impossible to dispute Melissa Harris-Perry's evaluation of most any situation she analyzes. And she has come down on the side of 'Resignation' as the only overall practical and moral option for Anthony and for the Liberals + 2012, at this time!
So, I find myself in an emotional dilemma here. My inclination is to assign this behavior to a natural, and primal reversion to the Male function Mother Nature has given to the Male in any Species--which is to preen, dance, display, creatively vocalize, flex, fight, or strut in order to attract--for the purpose of impressing and winning Females; and leave it at that.
After all, you can't intellectualize OUT what Mother Nature has bred IN, just for the role of "Elected Official!"
However, as 'thinking' (I think) Humans, I guess we have to admit that reasoning has to be considered a factor to reckon with, in these days and times. So with that taken into accounting, we have to factor in the "INCREDIBLY STUPID AND LACK OF THINKING THE CHOICE THROUGH" aspect + what's most beneficial for the Democratic Party and The President--irrespective of the hypocritical constant, to-be-assumed modus operandi, genetic make-up of the Republicans--we're going to have to take the ?high road? and Shun one of our Liberal Lions! (Sigh)
I want NOTHING to make 2012 more difficult to Re-Elect President Obama!
I guess that's my bottom line!
Come Back, Blue! "Talk me Down" Please!
CORRECTION: Heath Ledger was an actor that is no longer with us. I mean Heath SHULER a democrat that never WAS with us