Monday, June 27, 2011

they subjugate the meek, but it's the rhetoric of failure

Okay, let me tell ya what I envision the press is. They get the information, they research the information, they write out the information and we disseminate said information. I am old enough to remember Cronkite, Reynolds, Huntley/Brinkley. They had the idea down. Joe Wershba who recently passed took on the McCarthy machine knowing Friendly and Murrow had his back. Even back then Paley believed in a well informed populace and backed Murrow. We have no one standing up like that now. Maybe its the proliferation of news and our desire to hear our view parroted that prevents us from getting news, perhaps it's all we can do to stomach our news in little bite sized morsels for our feeble brains to process...perhaps we're to lazy with all of the information out there at our own hands to dig and look and see what IS going on. I know our parents and grandparents had to have their news handed out by reputable newsfolks. Now, we look to the celebrity to spoon feed our news to us.

The blame for the growth of O'Reilly, Hannity, even Olbermann  and O'Donnell lies not with them they merely are conduits. No it's OUR fault. We have allowed them to form all of our views and repeat the things we want to hear. Well folks all of us Blues, Purples and Reds have to stand up and demand real news and real context given to us. A week after his monumental fail with Jon Stewart, Chris Wallace actually stood up and asked Bat Boy's Spawn if she was a "Flake". He has since been "asked" to apologize to the flavor of the month and even though we know she's bat guano insane if Fox tells it's sheeple to capitulate to the Government whore that she is, they do...that's not journalism folks, this is glorified cheerleading. we're as guilty on the left, waiting with bated breath the return of Olbermann, we cried over the suspension of Schultz, and we wait for Rachel's reaction to find out if we should be mortified...We have the ability to know what's up. We have the net, we have the brain power, we have great capabilities than our is now up to us to really do the hard work and dig and truly form OUR opinions.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Jon Stewart- The Filet Mignon of Bulls**t?

So clearly Jon Stewart continues the tradition began by Will Rogers and carried by the legends like Bruce, Carlin, Hicks, et al. The jester who cites that the emperor is nude whilst he carries on as though he were wearing fancy duds.

Mr. Stewart went to the den of thieves and actually got one to admit that yes they were thieves. Stewart wasn't even callous about it. He called it effective and that they have a niche. Granted it is a disgusting niche. It's Goebbelesque in its deception, but it is a niche that speaks to it's viewer. He gave the host Chris Wallace a credit that must make his father cringe but still he gave him that credit. Mr. Wallace came out and admitted that Fox News does indeed cater to the right.  Stewart even admitted to Wallace that BHO was a disappointment to him. He even clearly stated that there is no left wing bias in the media. It IS more a bias toward laziness and sensationalism. Jon Stewart carried himself well in the interview. He made the point that he IS a comedian and when Wallace brought up "proof" that Stewart uses it as a shield Stewart in essence told him "Yeah, and...?"

No here's where Mr Stewart "proves" himself to be a liar. He told Wallace that Fox Viewers are constantly rating last in every poll in information received. They constantly misinform their viewer and that they are not above a lie to further their agenda. A watchdog for pundits I generally agree with, claimed that his statement was false. They even went so far as to show that Fox viewers were given better information than "The Daily Show". Of course it's not meant to be news!. It's not as slapsticky as it was when Lizz Winstead created it and Craig Kilbourne was the host. It has more (and it's hard to believe that this is the right word) gravitas than it did then, but at it's core it is a satire of news shows. If you get something out of it, good for you, but by no means is the daily show a true comprehensive "news" show. Though Jon Stewart has some earned journalistic credibility by showing all sides and even addressed the politifact "scandal".

Look all Jon Stewart is not the "news". Blue here isn't even news. I am clearly partisan. But what he has done shows more journalistic integrity than all the talking heads combined and perhaps that can be lesson if it is wanted to be applied by all the wanna be "news" shows.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

My Life Has Been a Poor Attempt To Imitate the Man. I'm Just a Living Legacy to the Leader of the Band

It would be trite to boil down our father's influence to mere pop culture references. "Some dad's are like Archie Bunker and others are like Ward Cleaver..." It makes for a nice Hallmark moment, but it doesn't offer what our fathers offer us.

My solid liberal beliefs and by extension my sisters solid conservative beliefs extend from our fathers no nonsense, no bullshit attitude. My father was a WWII vet. Hence, my reverence toward the "greatest generation" that I DO believe in. He was awarded three bronze stars in the European theater. Should have been awarded a purple heart but refused to have his commanding officer put in for one because his injury "wasn't that bad". He would never tell a 'blood and guts' story. He took all that he saw and lived and died with it. He would regale us with humorous stories that made the world on the brink seem like a "crazy day at work".

He also worked for the local fire department for 25 years. He was a driver which means he was pretty damned good at his job. He loved listening to his Hank Williams albums and singing along (badly). He was surprisingly a good cook and it was always the attention to details he paid heed to. When big stuff went wrong, it was water off a ducks back...but God Forbid little Blue or little Red sis forgot to take out the trash.

I never took the opportunity to tell my father in his life what he meant to me but I have spent the rest of my life understanding his lessons. Thank you Dad and Happy Fathers day to you, and to all fathers out there.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Hear the Thunder, from Three Miles Away. The Island is Leaking Into the Bay

A young Blue listened to Dan Fogelberg when he was a teenage romantic and bought the album "Phoenix". So imagine when he heard a great rocking tune by this wonderful sensitive poet. It was called "Face the Fire" and it lends some lyrics to this title. Fast Forward some thirty two years. Mr. Fogelberg has passed, (much, much to early) young Blue has become Ole Blue, romance has given way to reality...But Nuclear power was becoming relevant in a positive way. Some of us liberals were realizing that when ran right, it's a clean energy, ways are even being conceived to make nuclear waste and meltdowns a thing of the past...Then a massive earthquake ravages the country of Japan. The Fukushima nuclear plant is affected. Of course the nuclear powers there are scared so they fudge some facts but sadly it seems we may be paying the price in our country for that fudging. When it became known that some facts were being hidden, we, in the States,  raised holy hell with them. Many tales of bravery are coming out like seniors volunteering their time to see damage and be guinea pigs for the future generations, skeleton crews volunteering their time in the plants again, in essence, dooming themselves...But boy are we pissed at the Japanese Government for not telling us the full story...

Folks we can get off our soapbox. How many of us in the states now that in Nebraska there is a level 4 nuclear emergency in their power plant? It isn't just the "lamestream media" or "liberal media" not covering this. We only hear about this from the Salem times or Hawaii times. No Fox looking to capitalize on a mistake happening in the Obama Administration (his fault or no), no NPR to calmly tell us that two or three states away that serious shit is going down, No CNN having Anderson Cooper tell us in his heartfelt, touching voice how brave people are in Nebraska...we get nothing.

I do understand the concept of top secret. If we know the truth about some things we will be scared shitless or definitely lack some judgement that better trained minds than ours, but if I at 14 was smart enough to catch on to the serious issue that was Three Mile Island, don't we think, media outlets, there's some 14 year old say maybe in Nebraska, that would like to know what the fucks up?

Friday, June 17, 2011

through our sorrow, all through our splendour, don't take offence at my innuendo

another thing baffles Ole Blue, it's about our nations way of cleaning up presidents or famous figures that foul up or worse yet do nothing and making them into "honored" statesmen. It never fails to amaze me that under his watch, Eisenhower allowed the mad man named Joe McCarthy drunkenly ramble on about all the "commanists" in Washington, D.C. Then Ike went and played golf, like Dick Cheney went and had a heart attack or ten, like Wilson, had a stroke in office (not nearly as severe) and because three days before his term ended tells us about the vast "military industrial complex" and all of us Blue, Red and Purple wet themselves like he was a prophet warning us that it would take over and giving us this grand warning. To me especially looking back it was more like "I got mine and I'm screwing y'all over but thanks for blaming the Catholic" Yet when I see polls looking back at the Eisenhower presidency I see many that have him considered a top ten president? QUICK name one accomplishment?...okay take your time and name one accomplishment...yeah that's what I thought. Civil rights were being fought for in SPITE of Ike. He did the one good thing in his term of naming Warren his chief justice of the Supreme Court but unlike the Shrub, Ike felt that Warren was the worst thing that happened to the country...there's our war hero for us. Disappointed that his nominee was surpassed only by John Marshall bravo Ike!

And then there's St Ronnie of Eureka. the ole Gipper, Dutch who would smile as he twisted the knife in your middle classed back. The former union leader who decimated air travel, the man who embraced the trickle down theory of economics that in essence tries to build a country from the top down. I am no carpenter but I know that if i build my entertainment unit from the top down, well I will be working on that sucker until I have no idea what to use it for. The man who when elected set civil rights back thirty years and then like American sheeple that we are, RE-ELECT a man riddled with Alzeimers disease when he's 45 feet from the button. I must stand and applaud my fellow americans. some of them not a brain in their head!

Yet with Reagan some worship at the altar of Ronnie and claim great miracles of healing and wait for Benny the Nazi to beatify him. I think some red stater found an image of Ronnie burnt into toast. After all he IS the model for republican Jesus...what bugs me is some lefties eat that image up too. We don't need to vilify these guys anymore because their dead which means in the same measure we sure as hell don't have to burnish their legacy. Their dead, they luckily didn't kill the country with their mismanagement but they surely left a bad dent in it. Once we understand the true damage these two "patriots" did there will be no parade just a simultaneous head slap of about 60 million strong saying "what WAS in that kool-aid?"

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

i said upside down you're turning me...

Baffled. Pure baffled. If you would tell me how to destroy the republican party from within I would tell you this is how. First sneak a Democratic adviser in and tell them to: Go bat shit crazy on religion, Americans love their religion but get everything wrong and make Jesus out to be a capitolist pig....then I would tell them alienate half the voting base by telling them a man will define what rape is, then go out and attack health care, when you fully have the people on that side then run the economy into the ground (screaming America, America, America the ENTIRE time) then when a democrat comes in blame him or her for your mess. After you completely have the voting populace on your side further castigate public workers by bullying them into giving up their unions then go to middle town America and do one of these two things (both would be ideal) either tell the people that who they voted for were idiots and your can't be trusted so your friendly neighborhood republican will take over the city with one emergency financial manager OR during a city council meeting tell the people they must give their keys to their houses to the city so they can drop on by anytime.

another thing I would do, is have nothing but hypocritical asses pass judgment on people to stain them and then be caught in these same peccadilloes. Or similarly have the whoremonger run on a family values platform then have him caught with his diaper down. Perhaps i would tell people how important civil rights  then would run with question "was our president born here?" and run with the show us your papers routine. Yes if I infiltrated the republican party I would tell them to do this and more because surely this would destroy them.

Then I would gather every person with less than 100 working brain cells and pump them up with false historical information and say the bat shit craziest things I could and tell them spell the sign any way you want you're mad! and tell them it's exactly what sam adams fought for then made his beer! I would get a vapid congressperson to spout this same shit over and over. Until finally the citizens would understand that these people are fucking nuts. That they would screw over their own mother to get elected, that they don't give a damn about you.

Then how would I feel if the bat shit insanity took hold? Nahhhhh that's impossible, this is America and like the great comedian/philosopher Bill Hicks "Here's your 56 channels of American Gladiators, Be free America, You are free to do what we tell you"

Sunday, June 12, 2011

And Now For Something Completely Different...

I will talk about politics all day long. I will breath fire and brimstone and raise holy hell at any right winger and even my vitriol will hit some of my lefty brethren. Today is not that day. Today I harken back to a more innocent time when I never heard of the "Woodstock" that hadn't happened yet or was still to new in our consciousness, to a time when astronauts and going to the moon was a huge bit of news in our culture. Richard Nixon was president. William Milliken was the new governor in the State of Michigan. The Internet was just about to have computer scientists wetting their pants and even Sesame Street was an idea not yet brought to fruition. At the risk of sounding condescending or remembering things the way they weren't it WAS a simpler time.

It was also a time lil Blue would be taught by a teacher that was nearly the perfect Kindergarten teacher. Mrs. Marjorie Gauntlett understood what the word "Kindergarten" is Childrens Garden. She gave many young kids a chance to grow. Gave them a gentle hand to do the things the right way. Constant teaching of how to do things the correct way. Repeating the good lessons our parents gave us to do things the correct way. She taught us to stand for ourselves. Mrs. Gauntlett was known for her yearly circus of kindergartners. The 5 year old princesses, the ringmaster, I remember being an "Emmett Kelly" style sad clown. She also gave many a student teachers the same helpful, gentle guidance toward their career in primary

As you can see this is a hail and farewell to a fine person. Mrs. Gauntlett though you did not know it you helped create "Ole Blue" and I thank you for all your kind teachings and like my parents (and as you were my first teacher you had that much sway back then) you helped me do the right things and allowed me to stand up for me and for that and any of us that were taught by you this is how you will live forever. Thank you.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

And So We Dance Into the Fire, That Fatal Kiss Is All We Need

It is said you can tell an awful lot about a people by how they as a whole treat their less fortunate. I would, in a word chafe if I lived in Orlando, Florida right now. As of this AM, eight people have been arrested for the heinous crime of, are you ready...feeding the homeless. These bastards fed the homeless? String them up they may end up volunteering for some whacky environmental issue next and we surely can't have that.

Well, okay lets not go that far. What we can do to set it right is engage in 3 wars, fight the very program that people have allegedly focused efforts on for at least 40 years, become seditious toward our president in a way we haven't seen in 150 years...oh wait we already have seditioners that would make John C. Calhoun and Jeff Davis proud, lets see then aw to hell with it hang the people that would dare be Christ like and aid their fellow brethren because according to St. Ronnie of Eureka that IS what Jesus would REALLY do.

To my one or two reich wing readers; is this what you really think Heaven is like? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. As you hold on Earth, I will hold in Heaven (pp) Do you think God wants your little seditious tea soiree? Do you think God wants your signs calling Him A 'lyin' African'? Do you really think GOD wants your hate filled rhetoric? Complete with crosshairs? How many slaveholders do you really think are in Heaven? How many KKK members? How many members of the Westboro Bastard Cult? These are your brethren that you stand there and court their votes, their pseudo love. I am not a 'holy roller'. I do have my belief and for God's sake from what I know of spirituality, your clear hatred of poverty has already eliminated you from His Kingdom....but I suspect from your actions, you already know this as you continue your dance into the fire. So remember this your reckless power grab will render all that you sow...enjoy it as you inherit the wind

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Every Drop of Rain That Falls In Sahara Desert Says it All, It's A Miracle

I could go on and rant as I am really good about it, but I find the more I rant the more stupid shit the Reich Wing does, but if Ole Blue Stays silent, they raise my blood pressure. Now at 46 with a pretty sedentary lifestyle, that is one of the payments the piper wants over a lifetime. I have high blood pressure. As Ole Blue also found he weighs 271.9 pounds and smokes now less than a pack a day but still smokes made him do a little introspection.

I am now taking in laymans term a water pill which over the last week has lead to a minor dehydration incident and the "Chantix" is leading to a bit of depression. However, I am down to 11 cigarettes a day, I have lost about 8 pounds of bloat thanks to the sweating and the other facet of taking a water pill. I have not been paying to much attention to politics the last week and for that I apologize to my loyal followers. I have found that my health for the time being is more important than this little journal I make about 5 times a week.

I have always been transparent with everyone and this shall be no exception. I will still be biting but I may write this 3-4 times a week as opposed to 5 days a week. I am still working behind the scenes in my local Democrat headquarters. handing flyers, raising hell and still blogging.

With School and work and a society that doesn't understand how good our president IS it is a lot on my plate. I am up for it but i need to scale it back a bit. I am with all of us and I suggest that if you have a borderline HBP, monitor it. Take care of yourself. Stroke or painful heart disease is no way to check out. Neither is dehydration. Man, even a minor case of it knocked me out for the rest of the day. So again, take care of your body folks because as i state at the beginning from Freddie Mercury and Queen "Every drop of rain that falls in Sahara Desert says it all, It's a miracle" embrace the miracle

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Last Thing I Will Say About "Weinergate"

So I spent most of the past week decrying how wrong Breitbart was in hacking Anthony Weiner's twitter account and I got into a lather because Rep Weiner is doing great things on the left side of the ledger. In fact he has been the bulldog that our side has needed to show we're not all about being soft. Sometimes we bark and sometimes we bite.

Well, roll me in powdered sugar and call me a doughnut. Weiner's weiner wasn't a hack, it wasn't a bad fifth grade joke, he really did twitter the pic. Now Nancy Pelosi wants an investigation, the party that brought us David Vitter, Larry Craig and Newt Gingrich demand for his resignation.

I come not to praise OR bury him. I think he's an effective voice. I think we on the left need him. The fact that we are so disappointed shows why we are doing the right things. He's effective. If he were Bart Stupak or Heath Ledger or another DINO or another typical republican (Craigs list anyone?) that run on what we know is their false "Family Values" pretense, then we figure "yup knew it!" Anthony Weiner made no family value claim. He made no pretenses about being a good Christian (yes I know he's Jewish) he never pretended to be anything other than what he is. A good but flawed man who fights the good fight for good, but flawed people in his district. His issue with cybering legal aged younger ladies is not for us right or left to judge. There are only two factions this issue truly has to matter to. His wife, and his constituents.

So I apologize to my readers for drinking the Weiner kool aid. I saw a potential president and given our sound bite society he still may be one  but he has to be forthcoming if he wants the trust of the American People at least on our side. See, Mr. Weiner, we get it, you're human and you have fought the good fight and like all of us you're flawed. Just be accountable for what happened and most of us are still cool.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I Can't Go On, Saying the Same Things

In the book I have been planning for about two years I have this opening line "I don't claim to know the truth; but I know MY truth." I don't claim to have any inside knowledge of Washington D.C. nor it's inner mechinations. However, I do know that things appear right or wrong. It appears that a lot of my fellow citizens are so blinded by a myriad of things in regards to Barack Obama that they would just as soon have things the 'way they are' as opposed to what the will of 60,000,000 Americans did say in that we want change. What are these things? Well the name scares some. I mean we had a 15 year war with Osama bin Laden...and the majority of us in these United States (a name become more ironic than factual) elected a man named Barack Hussein Obama. Grow up folks this is almost as bad is giggling over the movie title "Mr. Woodcock".

Now, if I was simple minded or if I were a reich winger but again I repeat myself (thanks Mark Twain) I wouldn't know what BHO was. Is he a Kenyan? Is he a Socialist? Is he a Fascist? Is he playing Heath Ledger as the Joker on weekends? OR, is he the right man for the right time? Some on the left have argued against our own president. Have they been willfully ignorant of the uphill battle our president has faced? I mean he has stared down reich wingers, holy rollers, teabaggers, progbaggers, and we have heard he's soft on terror, we have been told he's going to send this country to third world status, he has been a puppet of big business...DAMN this must BE the most dangerous man in America; or even worse, the most ineffectual president we have ever had. I know if we go into the ancient history of 2008 we see what true ineffectuality is, but that is forgotten in light of the fact this man DID get health care passed (with NO help from the reich wing and precious little from blue dogs) he did take out OBL, he did get money for the infrastructure and has created more jobs in two and a half years than the shrub did in 8, but reich wingers and both baggers don't want to hear this. The teabaggers love them some irritable Paul system, the progbaggers love the little elf that couldn't handle a city (cleveland) but want HIM to run the country....and the reich wingers want the pizza man to run the country...amazing.

Well sadly for some of you folks it appears BHO will get re-election because I and other lefties are seeing that we are appreciating the drubbing we took in November. On a promise of jobs, jobs, jobs and smaller government, the GOP has attacked women, the poor, medicare, social security and of course worked on EXPANDING the government...keep marching GOP. Your Faustian bargain you have made with the tea party will hasten your demise, and I will stand by as you continue your self, blue

Friday, June 3, 2011

RIP Jack Kevorkian 1928-2011

Normally I don't do two blogs, but that was before I heard the news that Dr. Jack Kevorkian had passed away at the age of 83. Now Dr. Jack had a unique view of being a doctor. he held the Hippocratic oath close to him in it's first tenet "first, do no harm." Part of his responsibility as a doctor he felt was to demistify the spectre of death. It is something that generally scares the shit out of us. We don't like to think of it, but we also hate to think that we will go from being dynamic life loving human beings to becoming a burden on those we care deeply about. 

Dr. Jack didn't accept "emo kids" that wanted to die, or people that had the sniffles. These people that the good doctor aided were people that had ALS, Alzheimer's disease, long term debilitating diseases that kill a person long before they stop breathing. People that knew that they were dying and wanted that one degree of dignity that said "dammit, I still have control and while I do I make this decision." His biggest misstep was going on National TV for his crusade in this puritanical country and he paid his price for it. He did so however sans regret. His belief was rewarded in Oregon with an assisted suicide act but in his home state of Michigan still no movement. 

I watched many loved ones die agonizing deaths and they dealt with it gracefully and with honor. But I can't help but think if there was perhaps someone who could have aided in the passing with grace, comfort and dignity if they may not have chosen that route. Dr. Jack offered that route. Hospice is a logical extension of Dr. Jack's labor and it's a good step but all in all, a man who meant well and was persecuted (and prosecuted) for this movement passed today. I hope that we can evolve as a people and take his lessons and move forward as a people who retain some control as to how we are remembered. Thank you for your bravery Dr. Jack. I know some of us didn't agree with you but maybe all of us can benefit from your willingness to take your belief and run with it. RIP Doctor.

Just When I thought I was Out...THEY PULL ME BACK IN!

So for most of us who think. I believe as humbly as possible, I have disseminated some of the field of the GOP and have found them sorely lacking in content. What's worse is that for years we on the left have made the statement of style over substance being the GOP mantra and frankly the style has also worn out. They haven't even tried to hide their hatred for their country and most of her citizens. Focusing instead in how to make their rich pals richer and along the way making a dollar (or billion) themselves.

I thought since I ripped the three front runners into shreds anything odd from them I found could be just dismissed as so much garbage...Thank you Tim "Gomer Pyle" Pawlenty. You must want to run the country like Gomer Pyle. While you and your reich wing pals focus on Weiner's weiner or Edwards peccadillos, you hoped sir, that the news of you giving a full pardon to a child molester would be swept away like so much crap the GOP does...

WELL, GOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEEE! Some of us here on the left noticed it. Come on! We turned on John Edwards for being merely a slimebag and he cheated on a dying adult. Did you think that you could hide the fact you pardoned a REPEAT child molester? The kicker? You pardoned him so his wife could open a day care center. I would love to see how Bartelby and Loki from the movie "Dogma" would react to that! I mean they almost blasted that one person in the boardroom for not blessing Loki when he sneezed. (sure it's an obscure reference but if you saw the movie wasn't it funny?) Get 'em while they're young  may work for keeping kids off drugs  or on the straight and narrow, not for a child molester's wife to have a day care center.

So Private Pyle (look at him Jim Nabors long lost offshoot) please do the one honorable thing you can sir...withdraw and please Shut up and let the adults run the country thank you

Thursday, June 2, 2011 Hell...

Politics is funny. Lets all concede right now that "Weinergate" is all about Breitbart being so scared of Anthony Weiner that he's pissing himself (a little pun intended). No I am going to another show that the Reich wing is performing. In as she's one of my favorite targets, lets delve into the psyche of Bat Boy's Spawn shall we?

Bat Boy's Spawn, known to most people as Representative Michelle Bachmann has been a near daily topic for me to talk about because as we know when one applies the bat guano, insanity is an unfortunate side effect. I won't assume she's dumb, much as the concept that "Barney Greenwald" said to "Captain Queeg" in the Caine Mutiny; "it is assumed that there is no possible way Captain Queeg is a coward. One does not raise to the level of Captain in the Navy if he is a coward. So the questionable actions he displayed must lie elsewhere" (pp) Well as my own "Barney Greenwald" I give the representative the same back handed compliment. She is not stupid. She couldn't possibly fool so many people over and over in the great state of Minnesota and be stupid. So the questionable actions she displays must lie elsewhere.

Is it in "religion?" Well I know that if ole blue runs down the street saying "God told me to do it!" No one is assuming I am running for president. Oh, no, officers of the law are looking for bodies or some other remnant of my insanity. Is it level headed thinking? Well, I know that she was challenged by a 16 year old to a debate. Now instead of doing one of the two things most would do; write a letter (even a damned form letter Madame Representative) or acknowledge that due to time constraints it isn't feasible, or something that shows the elevator DOES go to the top allow your lackeys to threaten the poor child. THEN less than a month later you say "you would love to debate Barack Obama." Madame, though I do not question your intelligence (though  I may start to) you from Minnesota via Iowa, can not begin to grasp what this President who is a Harvard law professor, internationally traveled, Nobel Prize winning, knows. It would be like ole blue going up with my community college learnings and challenging the University of Michigan's valedictorian on a debate in his or her strength. Unless it's US history, i don't stand a snowballs chance...and even with US history the deck is stacked against me for I too am intelligent but like most I realize my limits.

So no Madame Representative, I don't believe you're stupid, you're smart enough to pander to your base. I look forward to the day most of the Reich wing and my fellow blues see you for the empty suit you truly are. then you will join her who shall remain nameless in my no longer mentioned list in my blog. Take care Bat Boy's Spawn...your day is setting on your day in the sun :-)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What If God Was One of Us?

about 15 years or so ago, Joan Osborne took heat for that song. Not for the reason she should have in that it was a slow droning painful song to listen to in a monotone, no she took the heat because she "dared" presume God may have been a "slob". He may have been an average mensch trying to get by and was silently watching our trials instead of say, making republicans richer.

Yet though I stated that i thought the song a painful listen, it was earnest. She shot out a few ideas and it hit home with some listeners. She did not attempt to use God or her perception or her entertainment or whatever to say that He told her to write this song. It seems God knows his strength. He isn't a songwriter or He may not even be He, but i digress and that is a different claim at a different time.

One of my favorite targets, Bat Boy's Spawn (see here for reference) has now said from God's mouth to her ears that she should run for president. Really? I must ask when did God get into political punditry? I can't imagine anything that would bore Him more. I mean if He is the creator, isn't He tired of all the fighting among his kids? If He is, then why is BBS standing there screaming "look at me Daddy I'm the favorite."

See to me, it seems as political pundit, God has missed the boat a couple times. I mean Reagan? I know that the Reich wing has appointed him St. Ronnie of Eureka, but it sure seems when some of God's children got sick with AIDS or God's less fortunate kids were slipping into drugs or homelessness, St Ronnie kinda dropped the ball there. Eisenhower...Okay, Great general, but by the time he got his head out of his ass and decided to "warn" the American public about the military/industrial complex, to me there was a hint of "I got mine and screw you." and God as pundit...really? George W. Bush was the best You could do?

Or how about this, God doesn't give a big rats ass about our silly little political games. It's like the football player who gets the game winning touchdown and says "I'd like to thank God..." Does this mean He screwed over the tackler trying to stop you? No for all that God provides for people in an ideation, Comfort, support, a way to live..He really could care less about sports and politics and once we as a society get through through our thick skulls, the far better off we will be