so between posts whose titles quote the Dixie Chicks, Edwyn Collins and Cee-Lo Green, I have become a pearl to a lot of my fellow lefties oyster ie an irritant. I am too mean, it almost sounds like a right wing, I am surely drinking the kool aid, no i am snorting the kool aid...good! As ole Blue stated in a response to a post I am tired of being nice, of being calm, cool and collected, and then due to lines and misinformation and piss poor press, giving the worlds greatest concession speeches.
I point at some of the old school lefties that have watched the character assassination over 40+ years and still maintain the "Pollyanna" attitude. Look I too want us to debate issues, I too am sick of ad hominem attacks, also sick of red herrings but I really am sick of hearing great ideas pissed on because "we're to nice and classy to 'go there' and be like the GOP". Ad hominems don't piss me off as bad as a lefty that sees the bullshit then continues to vomit out sunshine and unicorns, and THEY only piss me off a little less than the teagressives.
WAKE UP Lefties, this isn't a case being nice. Our president is under a siege every god damned day! If you want me to start hugging trees and laughing at these seditious republicans, then damn it get on board and understand no less than our country is at state. The time for nice should have passed at McGovern. We have heard all of our lives that "the left is soft on defense" REALLY? who won WWII? And which right winger made the ballsy move to end the war in Japan? Which Right winger made the moves needed to make in 1918 during WWI? Which Right winger crapped and pissed himself to get out of Vietnam? (Ted Nugent). Which Right winger kept us safe from terrorism? Cause if old Blues memory serves, a certain "Muslim" president called the Taliban "the moral equivilent of our founding fathers" St. Ronnie of Eureka in case i have to remind.
I don't want anyone to do anything illegal or untoward to anyone. We will do things the correct way, get legally pissed off but dammit y'all DO get mad. the debt ceiling is simply a red herring to fuck over our president and some of you are busy worried about Bernie and the elf that screwed Cleveland or you're worried about BHO being "Bushbama" or for God's sake worried about a short order cook being to mean, STOP! Stop the clueless act! My old man used to say "I didn't get to be 60 by being stupid" Well, I gotta figure that's true about us too. Stop pretending shit's fine our country is in peril and we need to pull our shit together!
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