Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I'm Not Ready to Make Nice, I'm Not Ready to Back Down. I'm Mad as Hell and I Don't have Time to go Round and Round and Round

"I'm John Boehner, I am the speaker of the House of representatives" That was the only two truths spoken by Representative Boehner. Oh sure technically there was truth in his cry for bi partisan bill of course the bi partys were blue dogs that are DINO but this is a case of speaking within the letter of the law but not the spirit.

I have witnessed no great president in my life. I have no FDR to look at, I have no Truman that inspired me and I believe that BHO WILL be that man. Like any president that looks to improve the country he catches hell that idiots tend not to. It's amazing we would rather have a president we could drink a beer with or go fishing with as opposed to the smartest guy in the room. I have never seen such blatant disrespect for a president when Bush would stutter through a Presser, When St. Ronnie of Eureka would say "Well....", even while robbing us blind Nixon would say "I'm Not a Crook"....the only times you had a rebuttal of what the POTUS would say is The Weekly Radio Address or after the State of the Union address. Now, we see not only the rebuttal from the GOP on the most recent SOTU we also see the batshit crazy rebuttal from the seditious play known as the "Tea Party". Now last night POTUS states we need to work together and if we go on this facade of "shared sacrifice" then we all have to dig down deep and make it happen including the millionaires and billionaires. Then The weeper of the house demands equal time to spew his untruths and the whines "I didn't sign up to go Mano a mano with the President" NO you didn't IF you were an American you were elected to work WITH the president but since you're a neo grand wizard you expected BHO to roll over with the wonder that is you Mr. Weeper. Yes, I am going there. I know your type sir, it frosts your balls that the black man is the smartest man in the room. You can't do what daddy did in Ohio with Jim Crow oh no, you have to listen and work with the man.

As we see under the last democrat president, your party ruined the threat of impeachment and I figure whatever happens with the debt ceiling you bitches will also impeach PBHO. you've already thrown it out there. See I have to believe that there will be a justice done in 2012. So guess what bring it out GOP and all you Kochsuckers, I have been bitter but playing nice, but now me and Natalie Maines are laying it on the line

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