Thursday, July 14, 2011

Here we are, born to be kings, we're the princes of the universe...

Open the link. I dare you. After 30+ years of setting themselves up as the defender of the Constitution, the end of be all of American Liberty and Freedom, finally proof that the Reich wing really thinks of the Constitution as the words of George W. Bush says...."A Goddamn piece of paper". Toilet tissue to be more precise.

See it IS easy to swear to uphold the Constitution when your party has raped it and left it for dead. Did Blue just go there? Hell yes. I am aware that usage of the term rape is a powerful one and disgusting and violent and crude. The thing is it is also factual.

Yertle the turtle (as Mitch McConnell is known from this day forward) is suggesting that we the American people, who put his sorry ass into office, who elected his alleged icon St. Ronnie of Eureka, whose ancestors put in the greatest president in history FDR are now incapable of making the simple decision of who we want to run this country. Now to Blue it has been obvious since 1980 that a lot of his fellow citizens are horses asses that don't read and need their news and history in small bite sized morsels so they can continue feeding their fat asses with McDonalds and Taco Bell but to see this and know that there are still some idiots that will back Yertle and i will lay good money get this asshole re-elected baffles the ever loving shit out of me. HEY RED, Yertle told you you're an idiot and his infinite wisdom in re writing the Constitution is all that will save you! He claims "Elections don't work" Well if you're using 2000 as a barometer, we sure as HELL know it didn't work then. I mean that was a clusterfuck from the word go. 2004 was shady but as much we knew in our guts something was up there wasn't clear cut proof that Cheney and Rove stole that election, yet in 2008, with a clear majority (not quite a landslide but sizable enough that John McBush er Cain conceded before midnight eastern time) BHO was elected president...NOW elections don't work you know yertle fuck you! seriously fuck you and the horse you rode in on!

The Constitution has worked just fine for 222 years in spite of you bastards and guess what, it will outlive you! You want a balanced budget amendment? Fine, stop fucking your country and get a workable budget. this is the Bluest Blue has been in a long time. You want to play your reindeer games with my money, you want to misinform the public? Fine, that's the outhouse that is USA politics. You want to further use MY Constitution as your personal shit paper...well sir, that's one hornet's nest that is not a wise one to stir.

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