I keep hearing how badly we need the teagressives on our side. How we need their intelligence and their views to aid us in helping PBHO to help guide us out of the Bush imposed forest of debt and war and bullshit from 2001-09. Oh, we on the left need these people because they helped PBHO get elected in the first place and they will help us in 12 retain this great and good man as president. OH the progbaggers will be so willing not to allow us to hear the grating sound of the words "President Bat Boy's Spawn"....
I call BULLSHIT! I consider progbaggers to be worse than the reich wing. I know what frankly to expect from the reich wing. I know their racist tactics. I know their history of misinformation, I know that historically we on the left have cleaned their mess and 30 years later they will put their incompetence on display and blame the president from 30 years earlier. In the 70's inflation was actually Roosevelts fault. When Bush W had his economic downfall it wasn't tax guts, stimulus' and two inflated wars...it was Clinton.
I see a current President in a thankless situation and right at the moment I also see people forgetting what was stated in November of 08 "We are the change we need to be" (pp) Nope damn near from the outset these teagressive/progbaggers have had buyers remorse and begged for an old socialist (while crying McCain was to old but they sure love them some Bernie Sanders born 8 September 1941) or an elf that screwed a major American city (Cleveland, being the first major US city to default) but he can run an entire country...RIIIIIIIIIGHT (thank you Bill Cosby)Thanks, but no thanks to Kucinich.
Yes we need the teagressives my ass. We need people to be critical and look if they have the mental ability, and have more than 22% of people that proclaim themselves liberal to get off their historically lazy ass and vote! We need Teagressives as badly as apparently we needed Pakistan to be our ally in the war on terror as they were hiding bin Laden.
I understand some Proggers will be pissed at me, I mean you're so damned smart and I am not. I am merely a middle aged college student and short order cook. I don't have the intelligence to grasp the issues with your nuanced viewpoint that you have had all of 28 months to formulate it's not like the mess hasn't been made over and over in the past say 80 years.
You and Me, Blue!
ReplyDeleteNothing chaps my Ace more than Ivory-Tower Progressives who don't understand the difference between getting WHAT IS POSSIBLE TO GET and losing EVERY damn part of the agenda!
Our President GETS WHAT IS POSSIBLE TO GET FOR SURE--anybody on either side who doesn't see that is in the same bloody bag--with fabric labelled FANATIC.
I like YOUR smarts, Blue!
After all, these philosophizing-intellectual-critics of The President's policies and performance can have 4000 hspr under their hoods, but if the wheels don't touch the road--YOU DON'T GO ANYWHERE!
Our President has not only the horse-power under the hood--HIS WHEELS MEET THE ROAD!
I'm with you, Blue!
To ALL these Purist Liberal/Progressives who shout at the wind and sit on their Holier-than-thou-butts--SHUT UP; GET OF YOUR BUTTS; BACK YOUR PRESIDENT, AND GET OUT THE DAMN VOTE!!
thank you jasmine I missed your comments