Monday, September 26, 2011

Wedding Cakes, Drama Class and H.L. Mencken

In my neck of the woods, I see it's overcast. But it is a good day my governor hasn't screwed things up irreparably today, Governor Goodhair hasn't stuck his foot in his mouth yet today, and BHO is still running the country. My sports team all won and sweetie and me got our cake situation sort of straightened out...all in all a good day for Blue.

It's a day to treasure. I am not foaming at the mouth at my computer...maybe because I haven't dove to deeply in yet but no one has said anything that caused my head to do that thing it does in the movie Scanners or caused my blood pressure to shoot to 235/197...YET. I enjoy these days. I can't lie. It's part of what lead Blue to becoming a bit lazy over the last 48 days. A wonderful vacation in Paradise....(literally) an engagement to the sweetest gal in the world, strong reviews in my job, classes starting to roll...Then I realized as much as I need to vent I owe it to my, followers, devotees....whatever conceit i allow me to continue. To be the spleen venter. To try to find sense in a nation of 5 year old children. We got plenty of them on both sides blue and red.

It was H.L. Mencken whom  I paraphrase- "It is the job of this blog to bring comfort to the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable". I have to do that. It's a compulsion of over 40 years to be the one that points out that sometimes the emporer IS wearing no clothes. I have taken that baton and ran with it and I see no reason to stop the same time however, sometimes battles have to be chosen as opposed to ranting at every injustice.

That is why I enjoy the "nothing" days. Today is shaping up beautifully and maybe between my subway sandwich and drama class i can find something that will cause me to have a metaphorical apoplexy. Til then I leave one more Bon Mot from Mr. Mencken- "In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican."

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