Monday, September 26, 2011

Wedding Cakes, Drama Class and H.L. Mencken

In my neck of the woods, I see it's overcast. But it is a good day my governor hasn't screwed things up irreparably today, Governor Goodhair hasn't stuck his foot in his mouth yet today, and BHO is still running the country. My sports team all won and sweetie and me got our cake situation sort of straightened out...all in all a good day for Blue.

It's a day to treasure. I am not foaming at the mouth at my computer...maybe because I haven't dove to deeply in yet but no one has said anything that caused my head to do that thing it does in the movie Scanners or caused my blood pressure to shoot to 235/197...YET. I enjoy these days. I can't lie. It's part of what lead Blue to becoming a bit lazy over the last 48 days. A wonderful vacation in Paradise....(literally) an engagement to the sweetest gal in the world, strong reviews in my job, classes starting to roll...Then I realized as much as I need to vent I owe it to my, followers, devotees....whatever conceit i allow me to continue. To be the spleen venter. To try to find sense in a nation of 5 year old children. We got plenty of them on both sides blue and red.

It was H.L. Mencken whom  I paraphrase- "It is the job of this blog to bring comfort to the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable". I have to do that. It's a compulsion of over 40 years to be the one that points out that sometimes the emporer IS wearing no clothes. I have taken that baton and ran with it and I see no reason to stop the same time however, sometimes battles have to be chosen as opposed to ranting at every injustice.

That is why I enjoy the "nothing" days. Today is shaping up beautifully and maybe between my subway sandwich and drama class i can find something that will cause me to have a metaphorical apoplexy. Til then I leave one more Bon Mot from Mr. Mencken- "In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican."

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

some say a man ain't happy 'less a man truly dies, oh why, sign o' the times...

what can I say. I think that 2012 may be one of the most important presidential elections in our 235 years of being a country. This is not mere hyperbole, this is a seriously wicked crossroad that we are at. When you have 300 people keeping millions out of work to put one good man out of a job, when this rendition of the "supreme" court has said corporations are people, when DADT being repealed as the equivilant of the rise of the third reich, when health care reform is less appealing than losing warS, when reasonable doubt is pissed away to put another notch on a belt when the man is African-American then a viable argument when the man is country I love has lost it's way.

it is likely that within four years that our country will need a new appointment to the "supreme" court with 4 of the justices, including the liberal lioness Ruth Bader Ginsburg in their 70's, we can not have "President(s)" Perry, Bachmann, or Romney making these decisions. It was surely no mistake that John Roberts was tapped by the shrub to be the Chief Justice at the tender age of 51. If he lives as long as Rehnquist and is as stubborn, he will be Chief Justice almost as long as John Marshall. That thought is beyond terrifying to me. Unless we get idealistic liberals that know the power and the word of The Constitution, then Thomas, Alito, Roberts and the other band of thugs, will have no checks OR balances and they will continue to run roughshod over The Constitution.

The historical implications of running a primary against the sitting president has been disaster for the incumbent. Ask Jerry Ford, ask Jimmy Carter, Ask George Bush the First. Barack Obama has had an amazing first term when taken under consideration that half of congress (including you damn DINO's) fought every measure he ran out there, He got health care reform passed (no thanks to the Reich Wing and Damn DINO's) he got Osama Bin Laden, he did stimulus packages the right way, he got DADT repealed, he's attacking DOMA, he is on the verge of getting "No Child Left Behind" struck down, yet some of my liberal brethren bitch it ain't enough or he's a closet republican or i hear "Obummer"...WHAT DID YOU EXPECT? He's not a magic man like Heart sang about. He's a man trying to get 30 years of GOP fuck ups straightened out and if you thought that in two and a half years he was going have it all figured out, put down your joystick or your X-box console, pull your head out of your ass and look around he stopped a depression! It was no recession it was a depression brought about by ceding control of our country to big business. The rights for workers that Sam Gompers fought for are being slowly eroded...and some of you idiots don't see the forest for the damned trees.

So no, BHO does not "need" to be primaried, he doesn't need to "get a wake up call" he doesn't need "a lesson" he needs YOU to get a clue as to how a country is run and get your ass involved the right way. Support him, understand that he is cleaning up this mess a little at a time and remember WE'RE the change we need to be!

Friday, September 23, 2011

I can't think of a witty title

So I took a vacation in August that allowed me to take a month sabbatical. In the midst of said vacation, Ole Blue got engaged, started planning his wedding and made things happy in his life. Along the way, I went back to school for my sixth consecutive semester and started to realize the sabbatical from politics outside of the few snarky comments I make under my real name were actually more healthful and easy for my psyche. I got lazy. I almost decided to disband the Blue conceit I allow for myself.

As beautiful as reality can be it also can be a saddening, maddening kick in the balls. Yesterday everything was good I was fighting (lovingly) with sweetie over our upcoming wedding cake and nuptials then I got news that showed me how lazy I was becoming. A name to some of you, a prophet to others and an all round good guy with biting insight died of a massive heart attack at the age of 34. Quincey (Big Dog On Em) Ivey, A man who was from Detroit, who created at least 4 pages on facebook and not only had a foot in the political pond but also had great taste in music, a wonderful sense of humor and knew his sports; silenced. One moment he was arguing about Troy Davis, joking about the Lions being underrated and posting a great video....then I read he passed. I cried. His was a voice that not only I looked forward to but his acceptance of a point well made with a simple "True Dat" was a stamp of approval that a lot of his friends look forward to. I know I did.

He also created a site called "Ghettonewz America". It was held to high journalistic standards and his was the voice that made it happen. He had a page called Mr. Know it All that allowed all sides to argue, mock and never fully resolve but allowed us to show we are know it alls. One of my favorite memories has nothing to do with politics, we belong to a group called Musical Thoughts where we escaped political talk and we had a "cheese" war. We went to find the cheesiest music videos we could find. Everything from Britney Spears to Justin Bieber was used...I'm proud to say it was the one time I got the "best" of him.

But it was in politics that Q, really shined. He asked for no quarter but that damn sure meant he gave none. He didn't mind an opinion that differed from his but you better have something better than Fox News or Huffington post. He wasn't going to give you a parroted view point from MSNBC, he was going to come strong and come proper. He wouldn't let you parrot his views either, you better have your own opinions. On an unusual view point for a liberal, he did NOT consider Bradley Manning a hero. I had his back there. He took pure hell from a lot of his friends even called a teabagger by some. He held firm to his beliefs. Quincey, Big Dog or Q whatever you are called my friend, you are a true American, and come the day we finally meet  on the other side, you can tell me the truth about "Ghettonewz Heaven". I am sure I will be rapt...True Dat!